Tag Archives: exoskeleton

ساخت اسکلت بیرونی با توانایی حمل ۷۷ کیلوگرم بار

It’s been a long road for Youtuber “The Hacksmith” to go from inspiration to working prototype. Originally inspired by the exo-suit worn by Matt Damon in Elysium, his real working version is now in the testing phase. So far, he’s successfully lifted 170 pounds of concrete and steel.  It’s built on a backpack-like frame with pneumatic cylinders connected to an air compressor for power. The frame is made of perforated steel, square…

پنج سکوی سخت افزاری برای انجام محاسبات فیزیولوژیک

Physiological computing focuses on the use of biosignals for the development of interactive software and hardware systems capable of sensing, processing, reacting, and interfacing the digital and analog worlds. However, biosignals have specific requirements for which typical physical computing platforms are not particularly tuned. Until recently, many projects ended up hindered by high costs and limited access to suitable hardware materials. That scenario is different today, partially thanks to the following 5…

The Very Real Future of Iron Man Suits for the Navy

The Very Real Future of Iron Man Suits for the Navy One day, troops will strap on bulletproof Iron Man suits and fly into battle, but only after a breakthrough in portable power storage that may not arrive for another decade. In the meantime, exoskeletons do have real military potential today, if only the Pentagon can shed some of its comic-book inspired notions and deploy them where they can do the most good…

FORTIS™ exoskeleton

Lockheed Martin FORTIS™ exoskeleton transfers loads through the exoskeleton to the ground in standing or kneeling positions and allows operators to use heavy tools as if they were weightless. An advanced ergonomic design moves naturally with the body and adapts to different body types and heights. Using various mechanical arms, operators can effortlessly hold heavy hand tools, increasing productivity by reducing muscle fatigue. read more